Layperson Reversal of Opioid Overdose Supported by Smartphone Alert: A Prospective Observational Cohort Study

This is an academic paper that discusses the feasibility of using a smartphone app to increase the response to opioid overdoses. Volunteers can signal an apparent overdose to other volunteers using the app to expand access and availability to naloxone. The first naloxone dose was provided by a nearby volunteer responding to the alert in 22 of 74 cases, successful reversal was reported in 71 of 74 cases, and layperson intervention preceded EMS by 5 min or more in 60% of cases.

Resource Type
Peer-reviewed Articles and Reports
Continuum of Care
Harm Reduction
Response Approach
Overdose prevention
Peer-reviewed Article

Schwartz, D.G., Ataiants, J., Roth, A., Marcu, G., Yahav, I., Cocchiaro, B., Khalemsky, M., Lankenau, S. (2020). Layperson reversal of opioid overdose supported by smartphone alert: A prospective observational cohort study. EClinicalMedicine, 25, 100474.