Interactive Mapping Websites

This interactive mapping tool allows users to visualize the geographic distribution of the behavioral health workforce by provider type (e.g., buprenorphine prescriber, social worker) and by Medicaid acceptance status.

The CMS opioid prescribing mapping tools are interactive tools that show geographic comparisons of de-identified opioid prescriptions filled within the United States. The mapping tools allow users to see both the number and percentage of opioid prescriptions in the Medicare and Medicaid Programs in order to better understand how this critical issue impacts states and communities nationwide.

The Medicare Part D opioid prescribing mapping tool is an interactive tool that allows the user to see both the number and percentage of opioid claims at the local level in order to better understand how this critical issue impacts communities nationwide. By openly sharing data in a secure, broad, and interactive way, the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) believe that this level of transparency will inform community awareness among providers and local public health officials.

This resource is an Interactive Mapping Tool which gives an overview of nonfatal drug overdoses in the United States organized by state. This dashboard represents the most up-to-date data in terms of emergency department visit trends and is updated monthly. 

Mapping Broadband Health in America 2017 is a Federal Communications Commission tool showing access to broadband by US county.

From the Kaiser Family Foundation, this set of data from 1999-2017 shows opioid overdose by:

The data from this analysis is from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Wonder Online Database.

This is an interactive mapping tool that gives an overview of what types of medications for opioid use disorder are provided in state prisons (methadone, buprenorphine, and/or naltrexone) at the state level along with supporting documents for this data. 

This interactive dashboard from the federal government gives nonfatal drug overdose data at the state and county level reported by emergency medical services, which is more comprehensive data that includes some nonfatal overdoses where people do not go to an emergency department. 

This surveillance dashboard from the ONDCP allows users to track non-fatal opioid overdoses in near real-time on both the county and state levels

OMI is a coalition of 17 local governments, universities, and nonprofits who meet monthly to swap insights, share best practices, and test their theories of change. The website and reports document mapping initiative activities during its first year. Case studies and maps show various aspects of the opioid crisis, for example:

The website also includes news and articles about local governments mapping the epidemic, examples of applications the government has provided the public, and open data sets which those applications use. It also recommends apps for use to access these data.

Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP) is a tool that communities can use to implement a real-time overdose surveillance system that supports public safety and public health efforts to mobilize immediate responses to overdose spikes. More information can be found in this presentation on ODMAP

NORC at the University of Chicago has created this tool to allow users to map overdose hotspots and overlay them with data that provide additional context to opioid use disorder and death - including the strength and diversity of local economies, ethnicity, educational attainment, and disability status of residents.  Maps are specific to the United States and to the Appalachian region

This website has an interactive map that looks at deaths from alcohol, suicides, and drugs for each state. A downloadable report offers an extensive national resilience strategy. 

This interactive mapping tool allows users to overlay treatment data, social factors, and overdose death data at the county level to provide a better understanding of the needs of communities. 

The Recovery Resource Hub provides an extensive interactive map to find treatment and recovery support services.

The Rural Health Data Explorer allows you to select from a wide range of data. Estimated age-adjusted drug poisoning mortality. Drug overdose deaths national and by state, 1999-2016. 

This community-based tool consists of a two-day workshop that brings together stakeholders in the criminal justice, behavioral health, and recovery support systems to identify strengths, gaps, and priorities in their communities, and can strengthen the community response to the opioid crisis. 

Sequential Intercept Mapping (SIM) identifies the vital places in the system where best practices should be implemented, thereby increasing a person’s chances of recovery and decreasing recidivism. 

An interactive tool from the RAND Corporation that gives trends for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) from 2009-2015 for states and counties.  

This is an interactive mapping database from the Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research that corresponds to five key social determinants of health domains: social context (e.g., age, race/ethnicity, veteran status), economic context (e.g., income, unemployment rate), education, physical infrastructure (e.g, housing, crime, transportation), and healthcare context (e.g., health insurance). These data can be linked to other data by geography (county and zip code). 

This mapping tool provides a geographic view of opioid prescriptions and other indicators in the United States. This allows for a better comparison to be made between different states and counties and their respective rates of opioid prescriptions and opioid overdoses. 

The Opioid Misuse Resource Map provides a list of interventions at the community level to address the opioid crisis by each state. The list shows a number of opioid-related projects that have been compiled from USDA partners and agencies throughout the US.