Engineering Approaches for Addressing Opioid Use Disorder in the Community

This academic paper is a review that presents strategies to improve opioid use disorder treatment and recovery with a focus on engineering approaches grounded in systems thinking. Specifically, this paper describes how the field of engineering can play an important supporting role in the opioid crisis through informing community-based approaches on the development, testing, and implementation of multifaceted innovative solutions.

Resource Type
Peer-reviewed Articles and Reports
Continuum of Care
Harm Reduction
Response Approach
Comprehensive services
Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
Overdose prevention
Peer-reviewed Article

Griffin, P.M. (2020). Engineering Approaches for Addressing Opioid Use Disorder in the Community. Annu Rev Biomed England. doi:10.1146/annurev-bioeng-082719-040832