Buyback Program of Unused Prescription Opioids in US Rural Communities, 2017–2018

This is an academic paper that evaluates an intervention to buy back prescription opioids that were initially prescribed to patients in the Veterans Affairs (VA) Healthcare System after surgery. Nearly 30% of patients returned unused prescription opioids and the resulting feedback provided to surgeons led them to adjust their opioid prescribing. Findings suggest that a buyback program may be successful in decreasing diversion of opioids in a rural community. 

Resource Type
Peer-reviewed Articles and Reports
Continuum of Care
Response Approach
Cautious Opioid Prescribing
Peer-reviewed Article

Liu, J.Y., Franklin, J.S., Gesek, F.A., Anderson, J.C. (2020). Buyback Program of Unused Prescription Opioids in US Rural Communities, 2017-2018. American Journal of Public Health, e1-e7.