Pittsburgh Telemedicine Bridge Clinic

This program provides remote evaluations for any patients with opioid use disorder in the state of Pennsylvania, increasing timely access to life-saving medications

After the COVID-19 pandemic, the US Department of Health and Human Services finalized regulatory changes allowing clinicians to evaluate patients with opioid use disorder (OUD) remotely via either video or phone, then prescribe them medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD). Taking advantage of this policy, the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center established a Telemedicine Bridge Clinic to facilitate rapid engagement of those with OUD, initiate MOUD, and refer them to appropriate health and recovery programs. Patients anywhere in Pennsylvania with OUD who are unable to be seen by a local medical provider on the day of presentation are referred to the bridge clinic. Treatment is initiated and the person is then linked to a treatment program in their community to continue treatment. 

An evaluation of the clinic found that most patients started MOUD soon after contact, many were linked with treatment programs, and that participation in the program was associated with health care costs savings. Services provided by the Bridge Clinic include:

  • Remote evaluation by a healthcare provider
  • Assessment of substance use disorder history
  • Evaluation of withdrawal symptoms
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Initiation of medication therapy for withdrawal or maintenance, if appropriate, through e-prescribing to the patient’s preferred pharmacy
  • E-prescribing for naloxone
  • Referrals for ongoing long-term treatment with a local treatment provider or county-based drug and alcohol commission

Articles describing the clinic, its operations, and outcomes are here and here, as do this video and slide presentation. Contact information for the program is available at its website.

The Bridge Clinic is a critical resource in ensuring that those suffering from opioid use disorder are provided low-barrier access to clinical evaluation and immediate evidence-based treatment.

Continuum of Care
Type of Evidence
Response Approach
COVID / Coronavirus related
Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
Peer-reviewed Article

Evidence of Program Effectiveness

"Utilization of a telemedicine bridge clinic was associated with buprenorphine initiation, linkage to ongoing care with retention including medication treatment, reduced unplanned care cost, and overall savings." Lynch et al. 2024.

"Establishing a telemedicine bridge clinic, utilizing both audiovisual and audio-only modalities, is feasible and may offer an effective intervention to engage vulnerable patients in evidence-based MOUD." Lynch et al. 2022.