Peer-reviewed Articles and Reports

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Displaying 401 - 420 of 591
  • Recovery

This is an academic paper that uses the National Recovery Study to specifically examine recovery from opioid problems. Findings suggest that people in early recovery from opioid use disorder (OUD) likely need…

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Peer-reviewed Article
  • Treatment
  • Recovery

This monograph contains a synthesis of findings from scientific studies and recommendations from new grassroots recovery advocacy and support organizations that are collectively pushing a fundamental redesign of addiction treatment in the United States.

This document explains that, based…

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Peer-reviewed Article
  • Treatment
  • Recovery

This monograph emphasizes that the addictions treatment field is reaching a tipping point that is revolutionizing the ways in which behavioral health leaders think about people with alcohol and other drug problems, and consequently how services and systems are developed.

At its core,…

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Peer-reviewed Article
  • Recovery

This is an issue brief from MACPAC that describes how recovery support services (RSS), such as recovery coaching or assistance with housing and employment, are reimbursed for Medicaid beneficiaries. What types of RSS each state covers is also provided. Some states reimburse for RSS through…

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  • Full continuum of care
  • Prevention
  • Treatment
  • Recovery
  • Harm Reduction

This resource guide from SAMHSA explains that the central focus of a recovery-oriented systems of care (ROSC) is to create an infrastructure or system of care with the resources to effectively address the full range of substance use problems within communities. Recovery-oriented activities…

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  • Recovery

This is an academic paper in which the authors evaluate the new model of recovery oriented systems of care. The article offers the perspective of this concept's origins in order to predict where this model can go in the future. This recovery oriented system of care has the aim of moving…

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Peer-reviewed Article
  • Treatment
  • Recovery

This brief summarizes Second Chance Act (SCA) programs and highlights areas vital to successful reentry and offers examples of how SCA grantees have addressed these issues among the people they serve. Tailoring interventions to high-risk populations is discussed in this document. 

  • Prevention
  • Treatment

This is a website from Abt Associates highlighting a series of reports that provide a scoping review of first responder-led programs designed to maximize diversion from the justice and emergency systems to treatment and community-based services, then presents a framework for considering the…

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  • Treatment

This is a meeting summary from the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF), which convened a gathering of rural health leaders, addiction specialists, and policy experts to understand the challenges in rural Northern California and to identify potential solutions.

There is a focus of…

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  • Prevention

This is an academic paper that evaluates a community prescription medication take-back/drug disposal drive that was led by surgeons in a city in Michigan. Results were impressive as a total of 74,363 dosing units of unused medication, most commonly hydrocodone (an opioid), were brought in from…

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Peer-reviewed Article
  • Harm Reduction

This is a fact sheet from the Harm Reduction Coalition that describes stigma among people who use drugs and ways to reduce that stigma. 

  • Prevention
  • Treatment

This is a report from the National League of Cities and Policy Research, Inc. that details the various co-responder models available to city and county leaders to respond to behavioral health crises. These innovate models are cost-effective options to divert individuals away from the criminal…

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  • Treatment

This is an academic paper that proposes an innovative model to increase initiation of medications in those with opioid use disorder (OUD). Medication treatment would be initiated in recovery community organizations (RCOs), which typically deliver recovery support services. Treatment could begin…

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Peer-reviewed Article
  • Prevention
  • Treatment

This is a policy brief from the National Congress of American Indians Policy Research Center that highlights that the opioid crisis has impacted American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) more than other groups. Causes mentioned are overprescribing and a high prevalence of trauma in AI/AN. The…

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  • Prevention

This is a report from the Partnership to End Addiction that gives an overview of what prevention is, why it is a critical component of a comprehensive response to addiction, and the importance of delivering evidence-based prevention strategies earlier and broader. Research and practice…

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  • Treatment

This is a report from the Arnold Foundation intended to support state Medicaid agencies and payers in improving access to substance use disorder (SUD) treatment, quality, and capacity, with a special focus on medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD). 

  • Treatment

This paper gives an overview of the academic literature on non-traditional routes for initiating a patient with opioid use disorder on buprenorphine. Some of the settings discussed are emergency departments, the criminal justice system, and community outreach. These routes may serve as vital…

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Peer-reviewed Article
  • Prevention
  • Treatment
  • Recovery

This report from USDA and ONDCP is a compilation of qualitative data collected from numerous community organizations, which provides an overview of the key challenges rural communities face when addressing the consequences of prescription opioid misuse and the use of illicit substances, divided…

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  • Full continuum of care
  • Prevention
  • Treatment
  • Recovery
  • Harm Reduction

This is a working paper from the Maine Rural Health Research Center (authors Gale, Hansen, and Williamson) and is a qualitative study based on interviews with key stakeholders in Indiana, North Carolina, Vermont, and Washington State that explores promising state and community strategies to…

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Peer-reviewed Article
  • Harm Reduction

This is a website from the Harm Reduction Coalition that gives information on syringe service programs, provides information on how to establish one of these programs with specific focus on implementing the program in rural areas, and has links to helpful resources.