Initial Validation and Findings From the Willing/Ready Subscale of the Church Addiction Response Scale

This academic paper assesses the readiness of churches in the Appalachian Highlands to address addiction by developing the Church Addiction Response Scale. This scale is a 41 item survey which addresses views about addiction, views about interacting with people who are addicted to substances, and views about the church's role in addressing addiction. The results suggest that equipping a church-based workforce to provide support for people living with addiction seems attainable. 

Resource Type
Peer-reviewed Articles and Reports
Continuum of Care
Harm Reduction
Response Approach
Peer-reviewed Article

Clements, A. D., Cyphers, N., Whittaker, D. L., & McCarty, B. (2021). Initial Validation and Findings From the Willing/Ready Subscale of the Church Addiction Response Scale. Frontiers in Psychology12, 733913.

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