Prevention Resources

Displaying 277 - 288 of 307

This is a comprehensive report that lays out the 56 recommendations made by the commission appointed by the Trump Administration to address the opioid crisis. After giving an overview of the opioid crisis and its wide-ranging impact, recommendations are made in the areas of federal funding, research, opioid addiction and overdose prevention, treatment, and recovery. 

Response Approach
  • Cautious Opioid Prescribing
  • Comprehensive services
  • Diversion
  • Early Intervention
  • Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
  • Overdose prevention
  • Addiction Treatment Providers
  • Advocates / Peers
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Criminal Justice
  • Harm Reduction Specialists
  • Medical
  • Policymakers

This is a report from the National Safety Council that examines how strong employee policies, alliances with health benefits and workers’ compensation plan providers, education, expanded drug-free workplace testing, and access to treatment programs can proactively address opioid misuse in the workplace. 

Response Approach
  • Early Intervention
  • Educational
  • Employers
  • Health Insurers
  • Policymakers

This is an academic paper that analyzes stakeholder interviews to explore strategies to sustain time-limited opioid grants and determine barriers and facilitators. Financing and reimbursement, service integration, and workforce capacity were the most cited barriers, and status in state government structure, public support, and spending flexibility were noted as key facilitators. Strong partnerships were highlighted as essential components in strategies.  

Response Approach
  • Educational
  • Community Coalitions
  • Policymakers
Peer-reviewed Article

This is a report from a convening of experts by the United Hospital Fund that describes in detail the ripple effect of the opioid crisis on families and communities. Recommendations are made to address the intergenerational and community-level impacts of opioid use disorder. Programs targeting these negative impacts are also highlighted in the report. 

Response Approach
  • Early Intervention
  • Educational
  • Family Support
  • Advocates / Peers
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Criminal Justice
  • Policymakers

Community health centers play an important role in efforts to address the opioid crisis. In many communities, they are on the front lines of this public health emergency and have become an important source of treatment for those with opioid use disorder (OUD). This issue brief presents findings from a 2018 survey of community health centers on health center activities related to the prevention and treatment of OUD.

Response Approach
  • Cautious Opioid Prescribing
  • Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
  • Overdose prevention
  • Addiction Treatment Providers
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Health Insurers
  • Hospitals
  • Medical
  • Policymakers

This is a report from the Council of Economic Advisers at the White House that discusses supply and demand factors that have driven the opioid crisis. Initially driving prescription opioid deaths, prescription opioid prices fell in conjunction with expanded government health care coverage and a rising market share of generic opioids. The second wave of the opioid crisis was largely driven by an expansion in the supply of illicit opioids, reducing their prices, along with medical and public health steps implemented to reduce opioid prescribing, likely leading to an increased demand for illicitly manufactured opioids. 

Response Approach
  • Educational
  • Addiction Treatment Providers
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Harm Reduction Specialists
  • Health Insurers
  • Hospitals
  • Law Enforcement
  • Medical
  • Policymakers

This publicly-available presentation from the Maine Rural Health Research Center (author John Gale) focuses on prevention, treatment, and recovery strategies that rural communities, particularly rural hospitals, can engage in to address the opioid crisis. Additionally, examples of existing programs for each strategy are discussed in the presentation. 

Response Approach
  • Cautious Opioid Prescribing
  • Early Intervention
  • Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
  • Overdose prevention
  • Addiction Treatment Providers
  • Advocates / Peers
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Health Insurers
  • Hospitals
  • Medical
  • Pharmacies
  • Policymakers

This Council of Economic Advisors report from 2017 estimates the economic cost of opioid overdose deaths using conventional economic estimates for valuing life routinely used by U.S. Federal agencies. It also adjusts for underreporting of opioids in overdose deaths, includes heroin-related fatalities, and incorporates nonfatal costs of opioid misuse. 

Response Approach
  • Educational
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Policymakers

This is an informative report from the Bipartisan Policy Center that gives an overview of federal opioid funding, and where the money is going in the continuum of care. It also gives a breakdown by state with overviews of several selected states.  

Response Approach
  • Educational
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Policymakers

This is a report from the Bipartisan Policy Center that tracks spending targeted to address the opioid crisis across the federal government for fiscal year 2019 and provides insight into how funds are being spent at the state and county level, with specific case studies on six states - Ohio, Arizona, Tennessee, Louisiana, New Hampshire, and Washington. 

Response Approach
  • Educational
  • Community Coalitions
  • Criminal Justice
  • Policymakers

This is a policy brief from the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice that reviews the evidence linking trauma and adverse childhood experiences to opioid use disorder. It also provides examples of trauma-informed prevention and treatment strategies, and describes innovative approaches being used by communities to address the opioid crisis.

Response Approach
  • Early Intervention
  • Educational
  • Addiction Treatment Providers
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Medical
  • Policymakers

This is a report from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) that summarizes a study finding that increased availability of buprenorphine treatment predicted reductions in certain types of child maltreatment caseloads in 25 states. Implications to the child welfare system are discussed.  

Response Approach
  • Family Support
  • Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
  • Community Health Officials
  • Criminal Justice
  • Policymakers