Harm Reduction Resources

Displaying 205 - 216 of 343

This website was developed by the National Association of Counties and empowers local leaders to invest resources from opioid settlements into effective treatment, recovery, prevention, and other public health practices. 

  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Policymakers

This is a peer-reviewed paper in Nature providing an overview of opioid use disorder (OUD) and is written by a group comprised of many leading experts in the field. The paper discusses the epidemiology of OUD, especially as it relates to risk factors and burden. Next, the neuroscience and pathophysiology of OUD are discussed. The last half of the paper provides the evidence on strategies for prevention, early intervention, and treatment for OUD. 

Response Approach:
  • Early Intervention
  • Educational
  • Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
  • Overdose prevention
  • Syringe service program / Needle exchange
  • Addiction Treatment Providers
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Medical
  • Pharmacies
  • Policymakers
Peer-reviewed Article

The study conducted by the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine targeted students in their medicine clerkship and assessed their motivational interviewing skills, harm reduction knowledge, and use of de-stigmatizing language towards a panel of opioid use disorder patients. Their skills were assessed before and after a case-based activity curriculum and indicated that each tested skill improved after implementation of the module. 

Response Approach:
  • Educational
  • Post-overdose response
  • Addiction Treatment Providers
  • Hospitals
  • Medical
Peer-reviewed Article

This is a toolkit from the Opioid Response Network that is designed to assist faith-based leaders in responding to the opioid crisis. It provides current information, resources, and action steps to support faith-based leaders in meeting the needs of their members and communities related to the opioid crisis and opioid use disorder. 

Response Approach:
  • Educational
  • Advocates / Peers
  • Community Coalitions

This is a report from the National League of Cities which discusses several examples of interventions addressing the opioid crisis at the city and state level. Opportunities — through the use of Medicaid, federal grants, and other resources — are highlighted to expand those efforts

Response Approach:
  • Diversion
  • Educational
  • Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Criminal Justice
  • Health Insurers
  • Law Enforcement
  • Policymakers

This is a report done by the U.S Government Accountability Office which gives an overview of how State Opioid Response (SOR) grants are used, examines how SAMHSA assesses SOR grants, and makes recommendations to SAMHSA on continuing to monitor and analyze program information in order to make improvements. 

Response Approach:
  • Educational
  • Community Coalitions
  • Policymakers

This is a white paper from the Office of Women's Health that was developed by conducting a review of the literature focused on topics around opioid use disorders and women, as well as consulting with subject matter experts. This report begins by providing an overview of the opioid epidemic and what it means for women. Issues of prevention and treatment are then explored, all with the lens of the unique or pronounced needs of women. The paper concludes with a resource section with links to key information.

Response Approach:
  • Comprehensive services
  • Early Intervention
  • Educational
  • Family Support
  • Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
  • Overdose prevention
  • Advocates / Peers
  • Community Coalitions
  • Medical
  • Policymakers

This is a report from The Sentencing Project that examines the sources of the opioid crisis, surveys health and justice policy responses at the federal and state levels, and draws on lessons from past drug crises to provide guidance on how to proceed. An overarching theme in this report is to end the War on Drugs, addressing addiction with public health and social services, not incarceration and punishment. There is also a focus on racial justice and equity. 

Response Approach:
  • Cautious Opioid Prescribing
  • Diversion
  • Overdose prevention
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Criminal Justice
  • Harm Reduction Specialists
  • Law Enforcement
  • Policymakers

This is a consensus study report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine on integrating prevention and treatment services at the intersection of opioid use disorder and infectious diseases. The need for and background of integration are discussed, recommendations are made to overcome barriers to implementation, and case studies of select programs are presented. 

Response Approach:
  • Comprehensive services
  • Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
  • Syringe service program / Needle exchange
  • Addiction Treatment Providers
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Harm Reduction Specialists
  • Health Insurers
  • Hospitals
  • Medical

This website from the RAND Corporation provides one-page summaries of published research tailored for policymakers and includes research on prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and special populations. 

Response Approach:
  • Educational
  • Advocates / Peers
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Policymakers

This is an academic paper that discusses the important role that pharmacies can play in the opioid crisis, from safe dispensing to patient counseling on safe storage and disposal of prescription opioids to naloxone distribution. Two program models, a collaborative pharmacy practice agreement for naloxone in Rhode Island and a pharmacy standing order in Massachusetts, are highlighted. 

Response Approach:
  • Cautious Opioid Prescribing
  • Educational
  • Overdose prevention
  • Community Health Officials
  • Pharmacies
  • Policymakers
Peer-reviewed Article

Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP) is a tool that communities can use to implement a real-time overdose surveillance system that supports public safety and public health efforts to mobilize immediate responses to overdose spikes. More information can be found in this presentation on ODMAP

Response Approach:
  • Overdose prevention
  • Post-overdose response
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • First Responders
  • Harm Reduction Specialists
  • Law Enforcement
  • Policymakers