Harm Reduction Resources

Displaying 289 - 300 of 343

This is an academic paper that provides an overview of naloxone take-home programs implemented across the United States and best practices for these programs as well as a summary of their effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. 

Response Approach:
  • Overdose prevention
  • Community Health Officials
  • First Responders
  • Harm Reduction Specialists
  • Medical
Peer-reviewed Article

This is an academic paper that documents the currently available opioid-related smartphone apps and reviews past and existing technology solutions that address opioid use disorder (OUD), including educational apps for prescribers, wearable sensors, and GPS locator apps. 

Response Approach:
  • Cautious Opioid Prescribing
  • Educational
  • Overdose prevention
  • Addiction Treatment Providers
  • Health Insurers
  • Hospitals
  • Medical
Peer-reviewed Article

This is a report from the Police Executive Research Forum, which convened public safety and public health experts to provide recommendations as standards of care for police departments in addressing the opioid crisis. Additionally, successfully implemented models are highlighted in this document. 

Response Approach:
  • Diversion
  • Educational
  • Overdose prevention
  • Criminal Justice
  • First Responders
  • Law Enforcement
  • Policymakers

This is a report from the National Academy of Medicine that describes the impact of the opioid crisis and promising approaches for five specific subpopulations: justice-involved populations, rural populations, veterans, adolescents and young adults, and persons who inject drugs.

Response Approach:
  • Educational
  • Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Criminal Justice
  • Harm Reduction Specialists
  • Policymakers

Given that the construction industry is at much higher risk for overdose, this is a website that provides a free opioid awareness training program tailored to employers and employees in this industry but can be used by any industry, and includes PowerPoint slides, a facilitator guide, participant handouts, and links to helpful resources specific to employers. 

Response Approach:
  • Cautious Opioid Prescribing
  • Educational
  • Overdose prevention
  • Community Health Officials
  • Employers

This is an editorial in an academic journal about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on different aspects of the opioid use disorder treatment system, including opioid treatment providers, buprenorphine prescribing, bridge clinics, telemedicine, and delivery of harm reduction. 

Response Approach:
  • COVID / Coronavirus related

This is an academic paper that conducts a systematic review to examine the evidence for overdose education and naloxone distribution (OEND) programs. The study found OEND programs are effective for reducing opioid-related mortality; however, additional high-quality research is required to optimize program delivery.  


Response Approach:
  • Overdose prevention
  • Addiction Treatment Providers
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Criminal Justice
  • Harm Reduction Specialists
  • Health Insurers
  • Hospitals
  • Medical
  • Pharmacies
  • Policymakers
Peer-reviewed Article

This is an academic paper that provides a systematic review of existing research that has empirically evaluated interventions designed to reduce stigma related to substance use disorders. A range of interventions demonstrate promise for achieving meaningful improvements in self-, social-, and structural-level stigma. 

Response Approach:
  • Educational
  • Addiction Treatment Providers
  • Advocates / Peers
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Criminal Justice
  • Employers
  • First Responders
  • Harm Reduction Specialists
  • Health Insurers
  • Hospitals
  • Law Enforcement
  • Medical
  • Pharmacies
  • Policymakers
Peer-reviewed Article

This is a written testimony from 2017 presented to Congress by experts in the Department of Health and Human Services outlining the steps the department has taken to advance the goals of the Opioid Strategy. This document presents how leaders at SAMHSA, CDC, NIH, and FDA bring unique expertise and capabilities that enable HHS to take a comprehensive, complementary, and flexible approach to the opioid crisis.

Response Approach:
  • Cautious Opioid Prescribing
  • Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
  • Overdose prevention
  • Addiction Treatment Providers
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Harm Reduction Specialists
  • Medical
  • Policymakers

This is a website where you can download a report from Shatterproof that reviews data from states that suffered the highest number of fentanyl overdose deaths from 2011 through 2017. Based on reviewing this data, the report identifies a number of promising state initiatives that are already in place and having a positive effect on curbing overdose deaths. It also recommends several new strategies that states should adopt in order to save the most lives.

Response Approach:
  • Educational
  • Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
  • Overdose prevention
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Criminal Justice
  • Medical
  • Policymakers

This working paper (authors Brill and Ganz) from the American Enterprise Institute provides an estimation of the economic cost of the opioid crisis to each state and each county. 

Response Approach:
  • Educational
  • Community Coalitions
  • Criminal Justice
  • Health Insurers
  • Hospitals
  • Policymakers

This academic paper presents a case study on the impact of safe use spaces on a population of unhoused individuals living in an emergency shelter in Ontario, Canada during COVID-19. The paper investigates how the harm reduction strategies implemented positively changed the outcomes of this population with SUD or OUD.  

Response Approach:
  • Housing, Education, and Employment
  • Addiction Treatment Providers
  • Advocates / Peers
  • Harm Reduction Specialists
Peer-reviewed Article