Association of Implementation of Postoverdose Outreach Programs With Subsequent Opioid Overdose Deaths Among Massachusetts Municipalities

This academic paper evaluates whether the implementation of postoverdose outreach programs among Massachusetts municipalities was associated with lower opioid fatality rates compared with municipalities without postoverdose outreach programs.  Implementation of postoverdose outreach programs in 58 communities was significantly associated with lower opioid fatality rates over time compared with 35 communities that did not implement such programs.

Resource Type
Peer-reviewed Articles and Reports
Continuum of Care
Harm Reduction
Response Approach
Post-overdose response
Peer-reviewed Article

Xuan Z, Yan S, Formica SW, Green TC, Beletsky L, Rosenbloom D, Bagley SM, Kimmel SD, Carroll JJ, Lambert AM, Walley AY. Association of Implementation of Postoverdose Outreach Programs With Subsequent Opioid Overdose Deaths Among Massachusetts Municipalities. JAMA Psychiatry. 2023 May 1;80(5):468-477. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2023.0109. PMID: 36920385; PMCID: PMC10018400.

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