Harm Reduction Resources

Displaying 85 - 96 of 343

This is an academic paper that provides an overview of the current state of joint criminal justice and healthcare interventions to address the opioid crisis that have been evaluated in the peer-reviewed literature. Few programs were found although they were found to be effective, highlighting the need for evaluating existing collaborative programs and the creation of new ones. 

Response Approach:
  • Diversion
  • Overdose prevention
  • Post-overdose response
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Criminal Justice
  • Law Enforcement
  • Medical
  • Policymakers
Peer-reviewed Article

This academic paper addresses the fact that many currently employed interventions (prescriber guidelines, prescription monitoring programs, naloxone rescue) address the prevention of OUD or downstream complications but not treatment of the underlying disorder itself.

An OUD Cascade of Care framework could help structure local and national efforts to combat the opioid crisis by identifying key targets, interventions, and quality indicators across populations and settings to achieve these ends. Improved data collection and reporting methodology will be imperative.

Response Approach:
  • Cautious Opioid Prescribing
  • Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
  • Overdose prevention
  • Addiction Treatment Providers
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Medical
  • Policymakers
Peer-reviewed Article

This is a peer-reviewed evaluation of six overdose training and naloxone distribution programs in the United States (Chicago, NYC, Baltimore, San Francisco, and New Mexico).

Response Approach:
  • Educational
  • Overdose prevention
  • Advocates / Peers
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Harm Reduction Specialists
  • Policymakers
Peer-reviewed Article

This database from the CDC allows users to examine prevalence of and trends in nonfatal overdoses for 47 states and the District of Columbia beginning in 2018. 

Response Approach:
  • Overdose prevention
  • Post-overdose response
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Harm Reduction Specialists
  • Policymakers

This report assesses drug checking programs in the United States and other countries in order to better understand them and inform potential opportunities for studying fentanyl drug checking as a harm reduction strategy. This review describes strategies used by drug checking programs and their effectiveness in changing drug use attitudes, behavior, and health outcomes. 

Response Approach:
  • Overdose prevention
  • Community Health Officials
  • Harm Reduction Specialists
  • Policymakers

This is a report from the Drug Policy Alliance that gives a history and overview of decriminalization of drug use in Portugal, its effects on treatment and harm reduction, and the impact on health outcomes and the criminal justice system. 

Response Approach:
  • Diversion
  • Educational
  • Community Coalitions
  • Harm Reduction Specialists
  • Law Enforcement
  • Policymakers

This toolkit from the Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center helps stakeholders select and implement prevention programs in their communities. It describes successful program models for both substance use prevention and overdose prevention. 

Response Approach:
  • Cautious Opioid Prescribing
  • Early Intervention
  • Overdose prevention
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Harm Reduction Specialists

The Drug Policy Alliance is a nonprofit organization that aims to advance sensible policies and attitudes that best reduce the harms of both drug use and drug prohibition. Their website provides resources and educational material on criminal justice reform, harm reduction, and the war on drugs. 

  • Policymakers

This academic paper conducted a review of existing literature describing new services and service modifications implemented by treatment and harm reduction programs serving people who use opioids, and also discusses implications for policy and practice. The authors set their literature review in the specific time frame of the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to analyze how the pandemic impacted these programs. 

Response Approach:
  • COVID / Coronavirus related
  • Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
  • Overdose prevention
  • Addiction Treatment Providers
  • Community Coalitions
  • Community Health Officials
  • Harm Reduction Specialists
  • Policymakers

This is a report which describes how to develop a more coordinated and comprehensive health education system in regards to opioid use disorder. The report provides information on the current health professional education environment and also a survey of its regulations. The literature review specifically focuses on the education of medical professionals involved in pain management and the substance use disorder workforce. 

Response Approach:
  • Educational
  • Addiction Treatment Providers
  • Hospitals
  • Medical

This is a report from the Maryland Hospital Association that provides recommendations to hospitals on protocols in place for patients treated for an overdose or identified as having a substance use disorder. These protocols include universal screening, naloxone access, facilitated referrals, and peer recovery coaches. 

Response Approach:
  • Early Intervention
  • Overdose prevention
  • Post-overdose response
  • Recovery coaching
  • Community Health Officials
  • Health Insurers
  • Hospitals
  • Medical
  • Policymakers

This is an academic paper that provides a scoping review of post-overdose responses implemented by emergency medical services (EMS). 27 programs were identified with themes including providing harm reduction in the community, integration with law enforcement, innovative community outreach, and inclusion of peer support. 

Response Approach:
  • Outreach
  • Post-overdose response
  • Advocates / Peers
  • First Responders
  • Harm Reduction Specialists
  • Law Enforcement
  • Medical
Peer-reviewed Article